It has taken over 20 years of study, practice and teaching for Jodie Merrick to develop the fringe.method. The method uses the four elements as listed below as anchors for each practice, on a weekly rotation starting with Earth and moving up to Air. There is a strong focus on the “why” & “how” we can use the practice to enhance all areas of our life by unravelling the tension in our bodies & minds that limit our connections to our essence self.
When she met Raquelle Gracie in 2015 the method took on a whole new level by creating a full sensory experience that combines original music written and performed by Raquelle and the intelligent sequencing of yin and yang yoga.
What to expect from a fringe.flow class…
EARTH - Feel
This is the foundation for all yoga poses. Working specifically on strengthening and toning the feet, legs and bottom it also gives you the opportunity to come back to your roots, to ground, to simply be present here and now. The perfect foundation element and for those needing more balance in their lives.
FIRE - Fierce
This element draws attention to the core, inner strength and power. We often hold ourselves back because we don’t believe we can achieve but this element ignites that fire in the belly. It encourages, inspires, breathes life into the body and energises the brain. Perfect if you want to strengthen your practice & core.
WATER - Flow
Releasing tension in the hips, finding fluidity in the flow, water is the ideal class for the Vinyasa lover and for athletes, cyclists and runners. It is all about letting go of anxiety and long held emotion and embracing change.
AIR - Free
As human beings we often give so much of our energy away to others that we don’t focus on self love and compassion for ourselves. The air flow allows the heart to open, the shoulders to relax and the tension to melt away out of the body. This allows for more space in the spine & clarity in the mind. Through backbends and shoulder releases this class creates more freedom, space and love within your being.