8th - 10th February 2018
Yoga teachers, practitioners and females looking to reignite your inner power, this retreat is for you. Staying in the stunning Tigmi Retreat Centre in Morocco, Marrakesh you will join a powerful group of women and be lead by the sensational and inspirational Beth Win.
We are sensitive beings, to light, to nature, to structure, and so it is easier for us to open when our surroundings are in support of this, when they are stable, secure and contain the same heart inspired intentions as we have for ourselves.
The feminine fire practice is a unique sequence of asana, mudra and pranayama. It’s form is devoted to deepening ones sensitivity to the power of the feminine force, It’s relationship to the masculine and what balance and strength feels like through the feminine form. The human body is rich with power centres/vortex's and the intelligence that created the universe. Yoga offers a way to engage with that, and use that the yogic state of mind to be able to distinguish between and move from the limited ideas we have of ourselves and our unlimited potential.
The sacred geometry of structures such as the triangle and Center line will provide powerful ways to ground and Center in times of powerful emotions and times of change. The unique sequence will also provide ways to deepen our connection with our purpose, our passion, intuition and fire with clarity and confidence. This is a retreat for those following the call to listen more closely, and create a space and time to feel how transformational the feminine force can be to ones health,wellbeing, perspectives and relationships.
There are only 4 places remaining on this invigorating and awakening retreat. Click the button below to book your place:
Pricing (all food and accommodation included)
- shared double bedroom £395
- single bedroom £495
Alternatively for more information please email raquelle@fringe.yoga or call 07810868825
*transfers from the airport can be arranged but are not covered in the above prices